Interpreter in uniform of a French Marine at Ft. St Jean Baptiste
Posted by Doyle Bailey for Tour Natchitoches with Barbara
Francois Derbanne's journey in 1717 from Natchitoches to the Rio Grand would have made a great script for Director John Ford with Derbanne played by the "Duke", John Wayne. In his own words the intrepid explorer writes:
"On the 8th (of April, 1717) we made 8 leagues (12 miles), we crossed Red River (or Colorado)...which is very wide when it is high and the woods on both sides are willows, ash and oak...After crossing it, we were attacked by sixty Indians, all on horseback, whom the Spaniards call Apaches".
Details of the attack include:
- Derbanne's party dismounted to defend themselves
- The Apaches shot many arrows but saw that Derbanne and his companions would not run and that they would not hand over their goods
- the Apaches "decided to go steal the mules, which were following behind us and were not loaded".
- The Indians had no trouble stealing the mules for there was only one Spaniard to drive them. They carried him off with them "and vanished with the twenty-three mules".
When you Tour Natchitoches with Barbara, she will tell you other stories about her grandfather, Francois Derbanne (nine generations removed), and should you choose, show you the historically accurate replica of the French Fort St Jean Baptiste in Natchitoches.
To contact Barbara, go {here}